Tag Archives: Life of Pi

What Are Your Picks For Oscar Night 2013?

Oh, how I love the Oscars! I am such a fan. In fact, as a little girl, I used to envision of going to LA to actually attend the awards and winning best actress. I would practice my acceptance speech, remembering to thank my parents, grandparents, and all my friends.

I even have that same dream now as an adult. Only, this time, I would be winning best screenplay writer.

And of course, there was that other dream of mine. If that whole screenwriting thing did not work out, I could still be a seat filler. (Hey, there is a reason why they are called dreams!) Perhaps some day tho….

But enough chit chat about my little Oscar dreams. Onto more important questions. With the Academy Awards coming up in a week or so, I ask you this. Who do you think the winners will be? Here is a refresher for some of the nominees:

Best Movie
Silver Linings Playbook
Zero Dark Thirty
Les Miserables
Django Unchained
Life of Pi
Beasts of the Southern Wild

Best Actress
Jennifer Lawrence: Silver Linings Playbook
Naomi Watts: The Impossible
Emmanuelle Riva: Armour
Quevenzhane Wallis: Beasts of the Southern Wild
Jessica Chastain: Zero Dark Thirty

Best Actor
Bradley Cooper: Silver Linings Playbook
Daniel Day Lewis: Lincoln
Hugh Jackman: Les Miserables
Joaquin Phoenix: The Master
Denzel Washington: Flight

Best Supporting Actress
Anne Hathaway: Les Miserables
Sally Field: Lincoln
Helen Hunt: The Sessions
Amy Adams: The Master
Jacki Weaver: Silver Linings Playbook

Best Supporting Actor
Robert De Niro: Silver Linings Playbook
Tommy Lee Jones: Lincoln
Christopher Waltz: Django Unchained
Phillip Seymour Hoffman: The Master
Alan Arkin: Argo

Best Director
Michael Haneke: Armour
Ang Lee: Life of Pi
David O. Russell: Silver Linings Playbook
Steven Spielberg: Lincoln
Benh Zeitlin: Beasts of the Southern Wild

I am eager to hear your choices!
